Sin lugar a dudas, merece la pena molestarse en traducir estas doce "leyes".
1 - Running with correct technique (even in prepared bare feet), on any surface, is injury free.
2 - Running equals springing through the air, landing elastically on the forefoot with a flexed knee (thus producing quiet feet). On landing, the foot should be directly below the body. (Walking is landing on the heels with a straight leg).
3 - Any and all additions to the body damage running skill.
4 - Quality beats quantity; the speed at which you practice the most will be your best speed.
5 - Walking damages running.
6 - The correct running tempo for human beings is between three and five steps per second.
7 - Arm power is directly proportional to leg power.
8 - Good posture is critical to running. (Don't lean forwards!).
9 - Speed kills endurance; endurance kills speed.
10 - Each individual can only execute one “Program” at any one time; an individual can be identified by his or her idiosyncrasies (i.e. “Program”). An individual can change his or her “Program” only by a determined, educational effort; each individual's “Program” degenerates unless it is controlled constantly.
11 - Static stretching exercises cause injuries
12 - Running equals being out of breath, so breathing through the mouth is obligatory (hence the nickname “Puff Puff Pirie”).
Extraído del libro "Running Fast and Injury Free". (Gordon Pirie).
2 - Running equals springing through the air, landing elastically on the forefoot with a flexed knee (thus producing quiet feet). On landing, the foot should be directly below the body. (Walking is landing on the heels with a straight leg).
3 - Any and all additions to the body damage running skill.
4 - Quality beats quantity; the speed at which you practice the most will be your best speed.
5 - Walking damages running.
6 - The correct running tempo for human beings is between three and five steps per second.
7 - Arm power is directly proportional to leg power.
8 - Good posture is critical to running. (Don't lean forwards!).
9 - Speed kills endurance; endurance kills speed.
10 - Each individual can only execute one “Program” at any one time; an individual can be identified by his or her idiosyncrasies (i.e. “Program”). An individual can change his or her “Program” only by a determined, educational effort; each individual's “Program” degenerates unless it is controlled constantly.
11 - Static stretching exercises cause injuries
12 - Running equals being out of breath, so breathing through the mouth is obligatory (hence the nickname “Puff Puff Pirie”).
Extraído del libro "Running Fast and Injury Free". (Gordon Pirie).
7 comentarios :
Me gusta la 11, el estiramiento en estático causa lesiones. Si ya lo decía yo...
Pues a mi la 11 es justo la única que me chirría. No soy partidario de hacerlas antes del ejercicio, pero al finalizar el entreno para mi son fundamentales para relajar la musculatura.
No sería el primer runner que veo que se estira menos que playmobil...
La 8 yo la mantengo cuando estoy fresco, despuesnde varios kms, se me olvida, y se hace lo que se puede.
Lectura altamente recomendada la de Gordon Pirie.
Si os leéis el libro en lo que más insiste es en no doblarse hacia delante; curioso cuando técnicas como el Pose o el Chi Running defienden precisamente lo contrario.
A mi me gusta correr como defiende Pirie, sin doblarme hacia delante, todo y que mi técnica tiene bastante de Pose. Técnica Pose-Pirie. :D
Pere, yo creo que Pirie se referirá a no doblarse por la cintura. El método Pose o el Chi running sugieren que la inclinación venga desde los tobillos, en ese sentido creo que sí que coinciden. No se si mi apreciación es del todo correcta...
Sips. Si se refiere a no doblarse por la cintura coincide totalmente con el Pose y el Chi Running.
>> An individual can change his or her “Program” only by a determined, educational effort; each individual's “Program” degenerates unless it is controlled constantly.
Esa es una de las claves en cualquier proceso de aprendizaje o, en general, en la consecución de un objetivo: estar muy atentos con los resultados que estamos obteniendo para, llegado el caso, cambiar nuestros "programas" en el supuesto de que lo que consigamos no sea lo esperado.
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